FFA Convention Goes Virtual for the First Time
The 2019-2020 National Officers stand out in front of the National FFA. Headquarters located in Alexandria, Virginia. Standing left to right is Yomar Roman, Tess Seibel, Kourtney Lehman, Mamie Hertel and Kolsen Mcoy. (Photo courtesy of Tess Seibel)
October 23, 2020
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 National For the Future of Agriculture will be held virtually instead of in person as it has been for 92 years.
This year, the Virtual Convention will be held from October 27th to 29th. This convention will be held virtually and is open to all members of the FFA. Online events will include meeting FFA National Officers and “connect rooms” where students can meet people from other chapters and participate in live sessions with the current National Officers.
“Being a National Officer during COVID-19 has been challenging but still incredible in its own way….by focusing on our purpose to serve students and our organization, we were able to readjust and continue to stay motivated,” said Tess Seibel, a long time FFA member from Virginia and the 2019-2020 National Eastern Vice President. Seibel said she is “looking forward to interacting with and meeting FFA members.”
The National FFA has been hosting National Conventions for 93 years all over the country, with host cities including Minneapolis (Minnesota), Louisville (Kentucky), and Indianapolis (Indiana). These conventions bring close to 70,000 kids a year from Alaska to the Virgin Islands and from Maine to Hawaii.
The Convention this past year was held in Indianapolis, where 65,000 students gathered to compete and learn leadership skills. During this convention, National Officers were chosen to represent the organization as a whole.
These conventions are used for competitions, delegate meetings, and leadership conferences for chapter and state officers. These conventions are also used to decide the National Officers for next year and to meet people from all over the country and world.
“It’s unfortunate that the convention is virtual this year since one of the best parts of it is meeting new people from all around the country,” said Camryn Sudimick, a junior at Nonnewaug High School. Sudimick serves as the Chapter Parliamentarian for the Woodbury FFA Chapter. Sudimick was a member of the Poultry Judging team last fall and placed 2nd in the state.