LANEVILLE: Blue-Light Glasses Help, but Don’t Solve Entire Problem


Tom Laneville

More students have started to wear blue-light glasses in an attempt to relieve their eyes from the effects of long days on Chromebooks.

Tom Laneville, Ag/FFA Reporter

With distance learning, students are constantly on their devices. The increase in screen time has led some to purchase blue-light glasses to protect their eyes.

However, blue light is not the only problem. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “The symptoms of digital eye strain are linked to how we use our digital devices, not the blue light coming out of them.”

So that makes us ask: What is the problem?

“Many people experience eye discomfort from digital screens, but most of the issues actually fall under a term called computer vision syndrome (CVS),” opthamologist Rishi Singh said in an article by Cleveland Clinic Health Essentials. “When we stare at a digital screen or device for too long, we’re not blinking very often, which causes the cornea to become dry and irritated.”

Cutting down on screen time could help alleviate symptoms like this. However, that could be difficult for students due to the distance learning model, which requires them to join Google Meets during the school day in addition to completing homework assignments. Blue-light glasses could offer students some relief for the remainder of the school year.

Nonnewaug senior Owen Brown, who received a pair of blue-light glasses for Christmas, said he has used them since winter break ended.

“I have been getting much better sleep and been able to focus much better,” Brown said. “Overall, I feel more productive and healthier.”

Junior Ryan Kostenko has more experience wearing blue-light glasses.

“I’ve had the blue-light glasses for over a year now, so when I’m sitting on my desk it doesn’t feel like I’m straining my eyes when looking at the computer screen.”

Personally, I decided to try blue-light glasses because my eyes were starting to bother me on occasion from long periods of time being on my Chromebook.

My personal experience with blue-light glasses has been good. I find after staring at a screen for a couple of hours, my eyes will start to hurt, so I pop on the blue-light glasses and almost immediately my eyes start to feel better. They help with headaches that I used to get a lot but now I no longer experience.

This is the opinion of Tom Laneville, an ag/FFA reporter for the NHS Chief Advocate and a junior at Nonnewaug.