Behind the Doors: What Happens at an FFA Meeting?
Sophmore Block, Chapter Officers, and FFA advisors pose after completing the first FFA meeting of the year Sept. 21. These monthly meetings are a staple of the agriscience program, but those not involved in the program may be confused on what these are.
October 2, 2022
WOODBURY — For those not in the agriscience program at Nonnewaug, the monthly FFA meetings are quite elusive. Where does half the school go, and why?
The Woodbury FFA chapter, which makes its home at NHS, holds monthly meetings to organize and plan events as well as give out information and promote activities within the program.
These meetings consist of seven different sections. The meeting begins with opening ceremonies, which is where the president calls the meeting to order and the officers introduce their positions and their duties.
Next, the secretary and treasurer give their reports on the past meeting and the monetary status of the chapter. It is important to know what was done last month and how much money is in the bank account so events can be planned. Any committees that met the previous month will also give reports on what they accomplished.
Following all the reports, old business is then brought up if needed. Old business includes anything from the last meeting that didn’t get accomplished or was needing to be reviewed.
New business is ready to be discussed after any old business is resolved. New business includes any new events or items that need to be voted on or discussed for the chapter. This can include sending students to contests, chapter events, or anything else that has to do with the chapter. A member will bring up an item and then have a discussion about it. The chapter then will vote on the item brought up and if the majority says yes, the event will happen.
After all new business is transacted, then announcements take place from teachers, officers, and members as needed. These can range from reminders to recognizing achievements and more.
The meeting concludes with closing ceremonies and the pledge of allegiance. The meeting is then followed by a photo slideshow of the last month’s ag activities accompanied by country music before the students go back to their school day.
Some people see no point in these meetings, but plenty of other students and teachers disagree.
“[FFA meetings] are a good way for students to learn what is happening and stay involved with FFA, especially since students are required to go to an FFA event a quarter it allows students to know of upcoming events,” stated Tom DiMarco, NHS landscaping teacher.
He sees these meetings as good opportunities for students to learn more about what is going on in the chapter and give them more chances to be involved with the FFA.
DiMarco also feels that these meetings are an important piece for the teachers at our school too.
“This gives us an opportunity to meet with every student at one time in the ag program. It allows us to get out any announcements and other information to the whole chapter,” DiMarco mentioned.
Eric Birkenberger, NHS greenhouse production teacher and chapter officer advisor, agrees with DiMarco.
“It allows [teachers] to have all of our students in one place for announcements and to see all students in our program at once,” Birkenberger said.
The first meeting of the school year took place on Sept. 21, which allowed the freshmen to experience their first full meeting and soak in all the upcoming activities and events the chapter will be hosting. Monthly, these meetings allow ag students to be united in the same room and connect with each other under one similar mission: agricultural education.