New Lamb Named Jacob After Jedd’s Baby


Woodbury FFA

The Woodbury FFA posted to Instagram on Oct. 21 to celebrate the birth of Jacob, the ram lamb.

Emma Jones, Ag/FFA Reporter

WOODBURY – A new lamb was born Oct. 21 at Nonnewaug — and it’s named after agriscience teacher Jennifer Jedd’s new baby, Jacob. 

Jacob’s weight was 32 pounds, which is a healthy weight for a ram lamb his age. Jacob is a purebred breed of Katahdin sheep — these are hair sheep, not wool.

“We decided to name our lamb Jacob because of how close in birth the two were. We decided it would be fun to have two Jacobs in the ag [education] family,” says animal science teacher Kathleen Gorman. 

It makes sense to name the two babies after each other since they were only born a few days apart from one another. Gorman said Lambie, the lamb mother, had no problems during the birth.

“She did great. Lambie has always been a strong mother, and she had no issues during this pregnancy,” says Gorman. 

Lambie will be turning 5 years old this year. It’s possible for her to have more babies since lambs typically stop having babies at age 10. 

“I love the idea of naming Jacob after Mrs. Jedd’s baby,” said sophomore ag student Haley Sarandrea. “I think since their birthdays are so close, it just makes sense.”