Students Discover and Develop With Boehringer Ingelheim Visit

Marisa Bedron

Woodbury FFA students traveled to Boehringer Ingelheim, learning different aspects that go into the research and development process of animal healthcare products.

Emma Cummings, Ag/FFA Reporter

RIDGEFIELD — When attending an agricultural school like Nonnewaug, students are given many hands-on opportunities in and out of their study of interest. Throughout the year, students have the opportunity to broaden their learning experiences through off-campus trips in addition to their traditional classroom learning. 

This year, students with animal-related studies were offered a trip to Boehringer Ingelheim, a pharmaceutical research laboratory in Ridgefield. 

“The trip went really well. I think we were all excited to get out of the classroom and into the industry,” said Marisa Bedron, NHS horse management instructor. “It was great to hear about new technologies and how Boehringer Ingelheim was working towards new innovations for both humans and animals.”

Boehringer Ingelheim is a research-driven pharmaceutical company that focuses on the discovery, development, marketing, and manufacturing processes of healthcare products. While on the trip, students were given tours of various labs, a tour of the outside view of the whole company, and were given the chance to speak to many professionals that have worked in the industry for many years.

“I did learn a lot. I had already known a lot about the company from previous experiences, but I learned a lot more in-depth information about how they manufacture their products and the facility itself,” said junior agricultural production student Gabby Guerra. “Also, because I want to breed animals when I’m older, knowing more about the medicine process will be helpful with further understanding.”

Nonnewaug students were greeted by Bill, B.I.’s on-campus goose deterrent. (Marisa Bedron)

Throughout the educational trip, different aspects of the company’s studies drew the attention of many students.

“I love to learn about anything animal-related and getting to see something like this was a great experience and I enjoyed all of it,” said Guerra.

“What I found interesting about the trip is the many many different branches that B.I. has to offer and there is something for everyone,” Zosia Olejniczak, junior veterinary science student added.

One of the goals coming out of every trip students take, is that they can find a way to use what they have learned and bring it back to the classroom, or even just use it on their own time. 

“It was great to see their updated facilities and get a chance to go into the lab areas that are developing the new technology,” said Bedron. “I also enjoyed the tour of the lab areas and hearing about the technologies that are being developed.”

For students, this experience offered a glimpse into the future of the science and technology industry, a field that many students hope to one day enter. 

“I learned how the people you meet and the opportunities that come to you are extremely important and valuable,” said Olejniczak.

“I always enjoy bringing industry standards and practices back to the classroom,” Bedron added. “We are preparing the next generation of students for the workforce and the opportunities are endless, it’s all about taking the opportunities that are presented to us and growing.”