WOODBURY — Fall testing has come and gone here at Nonnewaug.
From late September through the third week of October, Nonnewaug’s campus took part in a series of standardized tests that included the NWEA assessments and the PSAT.
Most students approached these tests with confidence due to a variety of factors ranging from NHS’ PSAT prep after school to in-class practice. Students seemed to understand the value of these assessments, but what students may not understand is that this testing not only shows individual growth, but also measures the collective success of the entire student body.
Organization and preparation was one key to success.

“I charged my Chromebook, focused in class for the past week to make sure I got everything done so I’m only worrying about the PSATs,” said Isabella Zakrzewski. “The last thing I want is a load of homework on top of this test.”
Most students used their confidence to push themselves through it, but did it really help?
“I was ready for the PSATs, but I didn’t want to take them,” said Jayashree Tirado. “I was prepared and took them with confidence.”
When students here at Nonnewaug think of the standardized testing, some panic, and some are just indifferent towards the idea of taking another test. But what they don’t understand is the PSAT score students earn will indicate how well they do on the SATs.
“The NWEA testing we did was a starter for the PSATs we took last week, ” said Bryannamaria Musto.