WOODBURY — With April break around the corner, many Nonnewaug students are excited about their getaways. However, for athletes it’s not a break, but more like a normal day of their after schoolwork.
NHS library media specialist Deborah Flaherty, who is also the boys cross country and track and field coach, likes having sports during April break.
“I like having practice during April break,” said Flaherty. “I understand that families go away, so I don’t expect everyone there.”
Flaherty is flexible during spring break and gives her kids half the week off.
“I do give them half the week off,” said Flaherty. “We’ll go Saturday and do Monday-Wednesday, and then I will give a break Thursday through Saturday. I feel like that’s the best of both worlds.”
Flaherty also believes a week off can definitely impact their practice experience.
“A week off won’t make or break a kid physically,” Flaherty adds, “but it can definitely add to their practice experience if they can make it during April break.”

Three-sport athlete Emma Jackson, a junior at Nonnewaug, likes having sports during break.
“I think it’s a good way to keep your skills up,” said Jackson. “It’s just nice to be able to go to practice and have that set schedule and routine that comes with having practice over spring break.”
Jackson does not get frustrated that she can’t go on vacations or getaways during the break.
“Our coaches are decently lenient about it, so if we go on vacation or if we have to work, they understand, so that’s really nice,” Jackson adds. “They understand if we can’t show up to certain practices. Also, they don’t schedule practices every single day over spring break; they do give us two to three days off.”
Nonnewaug girls cross country and track and field coach Arleigh Duff thinks it’s unfair to have competitions during spring break.
“I don’t think it’s important to have games during spring break or track meets during spring break because it’s not fair,” said Duff. “The kids should be able to take a vacation; it’s some of their only times to go.”