WOODBURY — Every team has their ups and downs, wins and losses, but at the end of the day, the team that sticks together gets the W.
The Nonnewaug baseball team, coming off last year’s unprecedented Class M state championship, lost eight of its starting players, but the Chiefs have worked together to rebuild this season.
Starting center fielder R.J. Barksdale believes that the roster change did have a big impact on the team, but nothing they couldn’t take.
“Last year the team consisted of mostly upperclassmen who had all experienced playing high school varsity baseball before,” says Barksdale, a junior who captains the team with seniors Brayden Altieri, Mason Pieger, and Lucas Savarese. ”I was really the only player who was new to varsity [last year], while this year we have 7-8 new players coming up playing varsity, which is a completely different experience than JV. That is definitely a drastic change, but I think we can take it.”
Although filling in those starting spots could be challenging, freshman Ashton Elsemore is ready to take the big step of playing varsity.
“It’s a challenge, but a challenge I’m willing to take,” says Elsemore, who has played some games at first base this season. “It’s pretty nerve-wracking having the pressure on our backs of winning the title last year, definitely big shoes to fill. Losing a lot of the starters definitely had an effect on us, like having to fill in their spots. Although we lost starters, I don’t think it will stop us from winning games and doing our very best.”
Other than roster changes, the team’s chemistry is also a factor that Barksdale is taking into consideration.
“I feel like at the beginning of the season we may have been more biased for who we cheered for, like when someone we knew or were friends with were up to bat, we would cheer them on more than others. I think most of us are guilty of that,” says Barksdale. “But I feel like now that the season has been going on, everyone is cheering for everyone and has each other’s backs and knows how to pick each other up when they need it. I believe our team chemistry has strengthened since preseason and will continue to.”
Sophomore Zach Berardis agrees with Barksdale when it comes to rebuilding and strengthening the team’s chemistry.
“This year we are focusing on rebuilding and focusing on working as a team,” says Berardis, a first baseman. “I believe as a group we are trying to learn how to work together as a team and have good chemistry.”

With a new team comes new goals and opportunities. Sophomore pitcher Brady Herman believes they should thrive off every opportunity.
“I think that we were not shooting as high when it comes to goals this year,” said Herman. “I feel like we should be but as a team overall we are not shooting as high as last year. Last year’s goal was obviously state champions which we [achieved], while this year coming in with a completely new team, our goals have shifted, but that’s OK.”
Both Barksdale and Herman agree that with a new team comes new challenges, mentally and physically.
“Mentally, fear,” Herman said. “A young team, young guys starting, they’re scared to make errors and everyone is fearing for their spot to be taken.”
“For me, baseball is challenging when you’re having a rough game, but overall our team needs to be better with fighting the emotions. I feel like I’ve gotten a lot better compared to last year,” said Barksdale. “I feel like this year I know I’m a leader and need to be there for my team, knowing I have to do my best and can’t fall apart after doing something bad or not as good. I know to try not to get as upset anymore.”
Sophomore second baseman Derek Chung also believes that with the new team, new leaders must stand up.
“We had a lot of seniors last year so we had a lot of leaders, while this year we only have three seniors,” Chung said. “Therefore, people are taking on new roles.”
The team has started the season with an 8-6 record, clinching another spot in the Class M state tournament.