WOODBURY — Out of the blue, Greene returned back to Nonnewaug High School.
Suzi Greene, the Woodbury Middle School assistant principal and former dean of students at NHS, is unexpectedly back in Nonnewaug’s main office as interim assistant principal.
Nonnewaug’s current dean of students and athletic director, Andrew Tammero, unfortunately needed to take a leave of absence from his position due to health reasons. Having a prolonged absence of a dean of students would have left Nonnewaug struggling, so Region 14 leadership had a prompt decision to make.
After considering options, Region 14 choose Greene was the one to take on the role as Nonnewaug’s interim assistant principal overseeing the dean’s responsibilities.

“I only had a couple days’ warning and then I was here Monday morning [Sept. 30],” said Greene. “I didn’t have a lot of notice, and the school also didn’t have a lot of notice because he [Tammero] was ill unfortunately, so they asked me to sub in and I said I’d love the opportunity.”
Students around Nonnewaug were shocked when they saw a familiar face in the hallways. Many current Nonnewaug students had Greene as an assistant principal in middle school. Seeing her move up to the high school was an unexpected surprise.
“It was a little weird seeing her in the halls again,” said senior Alex Tracy. “I definitely loved her in middle school, but I didn’t think I would have her again in high school. She was great as our vice principal and I’m sure she’ll be a great dean of students.”
Not only are students excited to see Greene, but they are grateful for her selflessness and are confident in her abilities to bring together any loose ends.
“I feel like our staff and students really appreciate her for coming back,” said Tracy. “Even though it might have been a little crazy for her, she really stepped up.”
The current freshmen were confused when they saw Greene again.
“It has been strange because I thought after I left middle school I wouldn’t see her again,” said freshman Thea Oleynikov. “I think she will benefit [Nonnewaug] in many different ways because she does have a lot of experience. Last year, she dealt with a lot of issues with the students in middle school.”
Even though assistant principals and deans have to be tough, Greene has a soft spot for students and watching them grow. This mindset made coming back to Nonnewaug an easy decision.
“It’s been great seeing kids again and reconnecting,” Greene said. “As much as I love middle school, and will go back to the middle school, this was a good opportunity for a change of pace.”