WOODBURY — New England, especially Litchfield County, is known for its wide variety of autumn hiking spots. Within the Woodbury and Bethlehem community, perhaps no better spot exists than Nonnewaug Falls. Located at the base of Nonnewaug Road, Nonnewaug Falls was formed from melting ice during the last ice age and has been a well known landmark for the past two centuries.
This site had been named after the last chief of the tribe who knew the territory well.
On the opposite side of the falls is a bronze plaque placed on the face of the rock it states: “To the memory of Nonnewaug, last chief of his tribe, friend of his white neighbors, who sleeps with his fathers near these falls which bear his name.”
According to Scenes From The Trail, a historical source that profiles New England heritage sites, the story goes that the last chief of the Potatuck Tribe jumped off the top of the falls and was pronounced dead as well as buried at the scene.
For those in the area, Nonnewaug falls offers an immersive experience to see both history and beauty.
“I have only been to the Falls once,” said NHS special education faculty member Kellie Barber. “Just being able to spend time in nature is a joy in itself.”
Aside from the unseasonably warm fall weather and the uniqueness of the site in itself, the Falls is also a good place to make memories and spend quality time with loved ones.
“I go there with my daughter about two times a month,” Michael Sturges of the NHS history department said. “She calls it [the] ‘Magic Waterfall.’ My favorite memory is building a cairn at the bottom of the falls with her last fall after I told her it would get too icy and cold to go back that year. She wanted to leave something so the waterfall would not be lonely until she could return the next spring.”
It’s always a good time when spending time with family but it is the little things that count.
“When I first applied to the NHS ag program,” NHS freshman Jazlyn DelPrincipe said, “my family and I thought it would be a good idea to check out the area, and the Falls was a beautiful site.”
Whether is community resident or a passing visitor, Nonnewaug Falls should be on everyone’s fall checklist.