WOODBURY — Parents want to spend as much time as possible with their kids and be as involved as they can. But the question is, do parents want their kids in their workplace?
“I think every teacher who has a kid should have the ability to teach their kid. It’s a wonderful experience,” says history teacher Steve Bunovsky, whose two children attended Nonnewaug, including most recently Evan, a 2022 graduate. “You relate to them on an entirely different level.”
“It’s a pro,” agrees personal finance teacher Adam Lengyel, whose son, Thomas, is a senior. “I like it because it’s convenient. We come to school together.”
Many teachers agree it has multiple benefits for them and their kids.

“I get to see all of the extracurricular things that they do, like FFA or sporting events and club events,” says Spanish teacher Karen Sandor, whose sons, Gavin and Liam, are seniors after having a daughter previously. “As a teacher, I wouldn’t be able to attend some of those things because of the hours I have.”
That sense of awareness is important for parents.
“I think it helps with academics since I know what’s going on,” says Lengyel. “You know, I’m aware of activities and things like that so it’s good.”
While teachers agree that having their kids in the building with them is a positive, would students whose parents don’t teach here consider it a con?
“I would have a hard time learning with my parents as my teacher,” says junior Emily Thomas. “I don’t think I would actually listen.”
“I think it would be nice if they taught a subject I needed help in or had a class in,” junior Ada Gorka adds, “but I don’t think I would like it”
Sandor understands that perspective.
“If my mother was a teacher at my school, I think I would be embarrassed initially,” says Sandor. “I would avoid her hallway or be worried about what people thought of her, but then eventually I would get used to it.”
There were some memorable moments for the teachers.
“Once with my daughter, she was in my class and she called me ‘mom’ in front of her friends,” says Sandor. “Needless to say, she was embarrassed, so I told that class that they all had a choice to call me ‘mom’ or ‘señora.’ Some of Gavin and Liam’s friends call me ‘madre,’ maybe because they hear my sons call me ‘madre.’”
“I would say it didn’t really [affect Evan in school],” said Bunovsky, “except one time my son got into a fight in the library because he was defending the librarian.”
Even though not all teachers have kids who attend Nonnewaug High School, many teachers take on a parental type of role for students.
“Here at Nonnewaug, I think many teachers and staff take on other roles for students, whether like a parent or adviser,” says Sandor. “We all try to help the students have a successful year. “