WOODBURY – The advanced culinary class took on the annual senior citizen drive-thru meal in December. This is one of many main events John Dominello’s advanced culinary class does.
“It was a little stressful at first,” senior Matt Dutton said. “When we finished, it was a relief as we could finally rest. We were expecting it to be cold, which it was, so we had to bundle up. Once I started directing traffic it warmed up a little bit.”
Dominello is relieved that it went simple and easy.
“It wasn’t stressful at all because we make a plan, and we go into the plan in an organized way,” Dominello said. “So every step of the way we set a goal. As we hit those goals, it alleviates the stress; however if we miss a goal for whatever reason, we have to readjust.”
Junior Tyler DiElsi thought aside from some unpleasant weather, the event went well.
“When we were handing out the meals, it was very cold out and standing there I was freezing even with a coat on.” said DiElsi. “We even took breaks to keep warm. Even though it was cold out and a lot of time and hard work went into it, we did it to see the smiles on peoples faces when they got their meals.”
Dominello was prepared for the snow day that postponed the event from Dec. 5 to the following day.
“[It was] the first time in 16 years we had to use our snow date,” Dominello said. “We always plan this event on a Thursday just in case we miss school on Thursday, we can still serve on Friday. However, we plan ahead to dress appropriately.”
Culinary student Greg Voros stayed calmed and was prepared.
“It was a lot of work. I wasn’t really stressed; I was calm, cool and collected,” Voros said. “We prepared for months, a lot of work went into it. It was cold, really cold but no matter the weather you got to get the senior citizens their meals.”
DiElsi was pleased to see the excitement on the seniors’ faces.
“It was a lot of preparation to get things done in time,” DiElsi said. “We had been working on the meals weeks in advance and did things little by little making sure everything was ready for the big day.”