WOODBURY — Commencing the Holiday season, Nonnewaug’s Ellis Clark building transforms into a cozy and festive place for FFA members.
Leading off the season of giving, Nonnewaug ag advisors and officers gather their students for the famous Friendsgiving potluck. This FFA event draws in crowds, being a light-hearted FFA event.
“It was a fun event,” said chapter officer Nate Berry. “I was part of helping organize it and tried to make it a fun time for everyone. I was in charge of cooking the chicken nuggets and French fries for everyone.
The students were appreciative of the effort from their chapter officers.
“I had a really good time hanging out with my friends,” said junior Nicole Dicello. “We got to eat snacks and play games and just have a relaxing time with each other. I’m happy they brought this event back and hosted it for us. It was a fun activity for credit.”
Between the games, the food, and the socializing, students get to enjoy time with their friends while also collecting one of their required FFA credits.
“I already had most of my credits,” said Dicello. “This was one of my favorite events I went to to receive a credit. I’ve been involved with a lot of FFA events these past three years.”
Holiday season is amongst our community, and Friendsgiving is the start to many other sensational seasonal events the Woodbury FFA hosts. The FFA program continues to connect their members in a stronger way than many other communities; this is among the many reasons why the Woodbury FFA is recognized as a family, for the bond they are able to create.
“It was a great event because we were able to get people from every grade,” said Berry. “I had a good time hanging out with my friends and I hope everyone else did, too.”