WOODBURY — Does anyone really like the chaotic, annoying, obnoxious, inconvenient, temperamental nuisance of a weather pattern lately?
Weather is a big part of how your day goes and what you are able to do. The weather so far this January has seen us go from seasonably warm temperatures with some drizzly days to snowfall and negative-4-degree mornings.
“Every day feels like a new season,” said Tessa O’Neil, a junior at Nonnewaug. “At this point, I pack an umbrella, sunglasses, and a winter coat just to be safe.”
The bipolar weather has been making some people’s lives hard.
“I don’t like the snow; it makes me feel less motivated to do things,” junior Ty Starziski said. “It makes work harder when it’s very cold out and my body does not want to move.”
Most of Nonnewaug High School’s students work after school. With the constant change in weather it makes students’ work schedules constantly sporadic.
“Work is hard when it snows because I have a landscaping business, so when it snows, I can’t do clean-ups.” Starziski said. “I do plow when it snows too, but it’s not as much work as doing landscaping.”
When the temperature drops and everything freezes, work is harder for O’Neil at her farm job.
“It makes work more challenging than it has to be,” said O’Neil. “When it rains, the ground turns to mud, which makes it harder for me to get farm equipment across the fields. Then when it freezes, the ground is frozen with deep tire tracks.”
There are many things students do in the snow and rain. Some Nonnewaug’s students say they try to have fun in the snow and rain.
“I like to drift my car in parking lots,” junior Allison Hardwick said. “I also like to run into snow banks and jump [into] them. But when it rains, it makes me feel tired and I don’t have the energy to drift my car.”
But for some people, such as inexperienced drivers, it is not all fun and games.
“Driving to school in the morning when it’s freezing out can be nerve-wracking because of the ice on the road,” O’Neil said. “I have only been driving for a year so it is still scary driving with the weather change. My truck is also always dirty because it snows one day then the next day it is sunny, so I think to wash it, then it snows the next day, so there’s no point.”