WOODBURY — Here at Nonnewaug there’s a place for everyone, from classes to take, and sports to play. Nonnewaug makes sure of that with the Unified Buddies program.
Unified Buddies is an opportunity for differently abled students to participate in sports, such as volleyball and basketball, in an inclusive environment.
“My favorite part is the cooperation and spending a lot of time with the people around you,” says sophomore Chris Engle. “It helps you make new groups and develop more or new empathy for people who may experience mental challenges. It brings everyone closer together.”
Unlike other teams at Nonnewaug, students don’t have to try out – everyone’s included.
“I find it to be pretty easy to join. They are very accepting and they want people to join,” says sophomore Carter Vendt. “What they are doing is very good, so they think every person they can get in counts.”

Unified Buddies is a safe place to let students be themselves without feeling the pressure.
“The difference is less pressure on players to perform well. It’s more on cooperative skills,” says Engle. “It’s like a mixture of emotional values of sports but without the competitive qualities. It’s more fun if you see it that way.”
Just like students, Coach John Dominello sees this as an opportunity to be able to fit in.
“We don’t play to win; we play to have fun, and every student, every member of the team, gets involved, feels included and feels special that they are participating,” says Dominello. “Our goal is for everyone to participate and have fun.”
Unified Sports has a schedule of games. They go against other schools like Shepaug, Watertown, Oxford and more. Two very special games take place during the season.
“Instead of high schools, we play against staff,” Dominello said. “We also have a very special game where we invite graduates of the Unified team and play against our current team. It’s very special because they understand what it’s about. They see old teachers coming down for everything and it’s a lot of emotions. That day is very special for us.”