WOODBURY— What job do you want to have after high school? This is the most frequently asked question at family gatherings. Everybody is always asking this essential question: “What do you want to do after school?”
Interrogations at family functions are always unavoidable, but one student at Nonnewaug High School knows how to answer these questions.
“I plan on becoming an engineer for NASA,” junior Mumtahina Alam said. “My end goal in life is to go to space.”

One of the reasons why Alam’s dream is achievable is because she is taking two different AP classes: AP U.S. History and AP Physics.
“I enjoy learning about history and enjoy challenging myself,” said Alam. “I believe that the extra credits will eventually help me get into college. I plan on going to an Ivy League college.”
Michael Sturges teaches Alam in her AP US History class and believes that she will reach her goal of getting into an Ivy League school.
“I can say she compares well to students I’ve had in the past who did make it to Ivy League schools,” Sturges said.
Alam works very hard on all of her assignments; she even said that she spends three to four hours on homework.
“That depends on the amount of work I have, or how motivated I am, but if I keep focused, I could get everything done within three to four hours [depending on] how much homework I have from which classes,” Alam said.
Katelyn Burrier, Alam’s friend since middle school, really believes in her friend’s dream.
“I do think she works hard because even though she only takes two AP classes, those are [some] of the two hardest ones to take, because it’s very rigorous,” says Burrier, one of Alam’s best friends. “US History, it’s just like a lot of reading, writing, and it’s very strategic. Then physics is just insane, because honestly it looks very complicated. I don’t think I would be able to do it.”
Sturges praised Alam’s presence as a leader in class.
“She’s engaging, she’s fun, and she’s challenging,” Sturges said. “Challenging, yes, not in the bad way; challenging in the way that she wants to know more and she drives the class forward.”

Along with being a great student, Alam is a great friend.
“I’ve been friends with Mum since fifth grade,” Burrier said. “We were in the same class, and we got put next to each other. She was; Friendly, Enthusiastic and easygoing. We had some of the same friends that we sat [Together] at lunch, and then we kind of just all became like one, one big little group.”
Schoolwork takes a big toll on Alam’s life. To combat this she found an outlet: drawing.
“Drawing really is a nice stress reliever for me just in between everything, between all my work and every other responsibility that I have,” explained Alam. “Drawing brings me peace of mind because I can take out all of my inside thoughts and put it on paper without stressing about everything else.”
Alam explained that ever since Covid, drawing has been her top outlet.
“I find comfort in drawing because I found it during a very stressful time in my life, which was during Covid,” Alam said. “Since then, it’s been a really nice stress reliever.”