WOODBURY — Some students are constantly holding a drink as they navigate the hectic hallways at Nonnewaug High School. It may be a water bottle, an energy drink, or a Dunkin’ refresher. Let’s add iced coffees to the list, even in February.
People go through their seasonal depression, it’s dark outside, and the trees are dead. But even a teenager who looks like a mid-winter zombie can come alive after drinking an iced caramel latte.
Drinking an iced coffee in the wintertime may sound crazy, but it’s pretty normal to see a student drinking something cold, no matter what the weather is.
People driving with their windows down and wearing shorts in the winter is fairly common. Then those who drink iced coffee are looked at like crazy? That’s crazy.
Iced coffee drinkers are superior to hot coffee drinkers. There’s something about it that no hot coffee drinkers will understand.
I admit hot coffee is good, but it only works in the morning. Hot coffee can be a slam in the face to wake yourself up for the day. But as the afternoon approaches, iced coffee is the only choice. Iced coffee is a way to be productive and calm down.
Many Nonnewaug students agree that iced coffee is the way to go, even in the winter.
“I drink iced coffee because it is good,” said sophomore Elena Constantini. “I still drink it despite it being winter. I think it is also normal. Hot coffee isn’t as good because it has no flavor and is burning hot.”
Costantini’s opinion is valid. Iced coffee is not only a better flavor, but you don’t have to wait a few minutes for it to cool down to drink it. You can have it right off the bat. Some students think that although iced coffee is good, there’s a time and place for it.
However some students don’t agree that iced coffee is superior. There’s many reasons why they are wrong. Why would you want to burn your tongue and walk around like a flame?
“I like hot coffee,” sophomore Ainsley Quinn said. “People who drink iced coffee drink water downed trash.”
That’s funny, because the last time I checked it really depends on when you drink it. All coffee gets watered down; it just really depends if you are a true coffee drinker. Really at the end of the day hot coffee people like their coffee stale once it hits room temperature. It just doesn’t hit the same after a while.
Drinking iced coffee in summer is a benefit. It is refreshing, and a cooling drink. It is a fact that drinking it in summer helps lower body temperature and makes you relaxed.
“I prefer drinking iced coffee instead of hot. Iced coffee gives me a burst of energy and enriches the flavor,” said Indigo Kimball, a sophomore. “Hot coffee isn’t as flavorful and I think it is distilled because of the water. I think that iced coffee people are cooler.”
Want to feel cool during this year’s seasonal depression? Iced coffee is a banger choice.
This is the opinion of Maya Hines, a senior reporter for the Chief Advocate.