WOODBURY – The NHS Library Media Center is a place for students to access during study hall and after school until 4:00 pm.
This school year features an eight-period schedule where many students now have room to add a study hall. NHS’ library serves as the perfect place for students to collaborate and get caught up on their classes.
However, now that more students have these study halls and with the LMC being used for events like college and career presentations, the space is especially coveted. Due to this, more restrictions have been made, and fewer students are being allowed to go down during study hall, and students coming from lunch are being turned away.
“I come here every day for lunch, and all of a sudden they became strict about who can be in here,” freshman Hayley Cardoso says. Cardoso has 7th period study hall and is sometimes unable to utilize the space. “It’s annoying because instead of being able to go to the library I now have to go to guidance for lunch.”

Teachers who have study halls are also feeling the effects of the stricter rules for students. A new directive from NHS administration asks that only a certain number of students can go to the library during study hall, and depending on the size of the study hall, a lot of students are not being allowed in order to preserve the space as a place that’s conducive to students working and quiet collaboration.
“I have a period 7 study where there are more kids than desks,” English teacher Conor Gereg says. Gereg is one of many NHS faculty who also proctor a study hall where students sign out to utilize the LMC. “As soon as I show up, students are ready to go to the library. It can be frustrating for students; students are so eager to get to the library and there’s only so much room.”
For some teachers, this issue is practically non-existent. Kelly Nichols, an English teacher at Nonnewaug, calls the LMC her home for 6th period study hall.
“The library also doubles as the writing center during 6th period,” Nichols says. “It’s not very often when the library is closed for us, usually if it is they’ll put us in the auditorium.”
The reason for the restriction: it’s simply too much.
“We have an occupancy load, so that’s the obvious reason for the cap on the amount of people,” NHS Library assistant Dawn Maletzke says. “The other reason, it’s supposed to be a good working environment, so if it’s too much of a social environment, it’s hard for the people who are using the library for studying reasons.”
Nonnewaug’s previous seven-period schedule allowed for more students to be in the library since the LMC was the designated spot for study hall. But if there were more kids in the library before, why are there more restrictions now?
“We really had to limit how many students were coming down from other classes because study halls were in the LMC,” NHS Librarian Deb Flaherty says. “Now it’s open, so students don’t have to be limited.”
With more access to the LMC this year, the space is a popular destination for students to get together, study, and keep up with the academic demands of high school.
“It is a bother trying to come down to the LMC in my study hall because a lot of other people are trying to get there too,” Ella Lingley, an NHS junior says. “I find it really hard to get my teacher to approve my pass, and I find it really annoying because I am in the LMC sign in line for more than 5 minutes. At the end of the period, it is like I just got there.¨