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NHS Chief Advocate

Nonnewaug High School's Chief News Source

NHS Chief Advocate

Nonnewaugs Scott Meyer, left, was honored as the recipient of the 2024 Michael H. Savage Spirit of Sport Award at the CAS-CIAC Scholar Athlete Banquet on May 5 at the Aqua Turf Club in Southington. (Courtesy of the CIAC)
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The memorial for Chester Carruthers. (Courtesy of Find-a-Grave)
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Stewart: Shocker, Being Basic is Really Common

Clothing has been a dead giveaway of a basic person, with name-brand clothing items making room for a stereotype. (Courtesy of Lucas Hoang/Unsplash)

It’s 11:46 p.m. on a Wednesday, and after a long day of block classes and sports games, TikTok looks like a lovely distraction from the looming alarm that pierces my ears at exactly 6 a.m.

My silent, dark bedroom immediately fills with a stream of noise, from videos (advertisements) of the new product you just NEED in your life right this second to TikTok shop giving me 100% off discounts on items (only if I pay $100 for shipping of course).

Trends are always going to be a part of our lives.

From Stanley cups now having lead in them to the “clean girl” look going out of style, the influx of trends is ever-changing and moves faster than most people can keep up with. Does that mean it’s bad to like things that are popular and ever-changing, though? In my opinion, no, it’s not.

Stanley cups are widely popular among popular social media platforms, since they have gained traction they have been branded as basic. (Madison Stewart)

“Basic” is an adjective that translates to “only interested in things mainstream, popular, and trending.” With the definition already existing with a negative connotation, it’s easy to use this adjective as an insult, but does it have to be?

Trendy things are popular for a reason, and no matter if you hate Taylor Swift or have a style you think nobody else has, you still contribute to the overwhelming popularity of contemporary trends by hating on them.

I mean, think about it, the comment you left on a TikTok video or the complaint you just expressed out loud to your friend is still spreading the news of how popular that thing you’re frustrated over is, which in turn just makes it more popular, and the cycle starts again. After all, you know what they say: All press is good press.

“Something being a trend means that it’s popular among a group of people,” says Katie Alexander, a senior at Nonnewaug. “[A trend] is something that many people feel like they need to be a part of.”

Keyword: popular. I understand that just because one person jumps off a cliff, you shouldn’t either, but if the cliff we’re talking about is better compared to a foam ball pit than inevitable doom, I say we should let people fall off the cliff a little after their favorite influences if it makes them happy.

“Just do what you want and be happy,” said Matthew Canonico, a senior at Nonnewaug.

Isn’t it just that simple? Why spend the time hating on trends that aren’t personally attacking you when you could spend the same amount of time doing more productive things like, I don’t know, leaving people alone maybe? Not sure, though.

There are always two sides to every coin, of course, and everyone gets annoyed with copycats every once in a while.

“I think it’s OK to a certain extent,” says Nicole Cappelli, a senior at Nonnewaug, “but if you’re just copying everybody and not being yourself, I don’t know, I don’t like that.”

That makes sense. I mean, who would like someone who copies people word for word, line for line of everything they do? However, people who are trying to find their style tend to look up to those who seem to have it all figured out. Why should it be a crime to be inspired?

Truth is, it’s not. Maybe people should just chill and let people do them. After all, being basic isn’t doing anything to personally victimize those who strive to have their style. It’s just people trying to find their own. I mean, what’s the harm in that?

This is the opinion of Chief Advocate senior editor Madison Stewart.

About the Contributor
Madison Stewart '24
Madison Stewart '24, Senior Editor
Madison Stewart is a senior editor for the NHS Chief Advocate. She is a senior at Nonnewaug High School and treasurer for the Class of 2024. She likes to get involved with multiple honor societies and clubs around the school.
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