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NHS Chief Advocate

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Nonnewaug High School's Chief News Source

NHS Chief Advocate

Nonnewaug High School's Chief News Source

NHS Chief Advocate

Alexa Sweeney 25

Alexa Sweeney '25, Reporter

Alexa Sweeney is a first-year reporter for the Nonnewaug Chief Advocate. She is from Prospect and is the 2023-24 historian for the agriscience program. She shows rabbits and sheep at fairs around Connecticut through 4H. She was also a part of the Dairy CDE last spring and would like to try out a different one this coming year. She is currently enrolled in the natural resources and floriculture classes in the agriscience program and is highly involved within the FFA. Sweeney would like to become a nurse one day and is excited to report on all of the news around Nonnewaug and the agriscience program.

All content by Alexa Sweeney '25