WOODBURY — Musicals, talent, people, dancing — Faith Lally can’t get enough of it. Lally, a senior at Nonnewaug High School, shares her passion for Broadway shows every day.
“Something about the style gets me excited,” said Lally. “It’s just so different from any other genre of music.”
Everyone has a liking and a passion for something they admire; for Lally, it’s Broadway shows. These talented shows fulfill her itch for the action of drama.
Lally always had eccentric likings, but Broadway musicals really bring out her true self: an individual whose energy isn’t just palpable, but contagious. These musicals plaster a smile on her face whenever she hears the topic of show business brought up.
“She’s very talkative and enthusiastic,” said Monica Lally, Faith’s mother and fellow Broadway fanatic. “For Broadway, it’s the experience that she loves.”
“It’s when she lights up when she talks about them,” said Kate Peterson, NHS French instructor. “She can talk about these Broadway shows for a while without getting bored.”

Growing up, her passion followed her through the stages of each grade, like a Broadway show itself going through each scene.
Lally’s prologue began with her love for Disney, a catalyst for her passion.
“When I was in sixth grade I went to my first Broadway show, Aladdin; it was the best experience ever,” said Lally.
Lally’s love affair with Broadway followed her home during her early years, memorizing the lyrics and melodies of some of her most memorable experiences in theater.
“I would put on the Broadway Channel in the car and sit there and smile and listen,” said Lally reflecting on her earliest moments with the theatrical arts.
The experience of Broadway’s bright lights, loud music, and dancing on stage brightens her up, creating an experience that figuratively transports Lally.
“It’s like going into another world,” Lally said. “You can meet new people, places without leaving your seat.”
“She loves the voices and the acting,” said Monica Lally. “The dancing is phenomenal [on Broadway]; plus, the acting is great.”